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Q: Can I be hypnotized?
A: If you want to be hypnotized then I can hypnotize you. If you don't want to be hypnotized then no one can hypnotize you. All hypnosis is, ultimately, a collaboration between the client and the hypnotist. Both work together to create the therapeutic hypnosis experience. I know how to create a hypnotic state. If you follow my instructions, we can create a hypnotic state and make suggestions for your improvement.
Q: Hypnosis isn't in the Bible. Is this okay for Christians?
A: Neither is the computer you're currently using. The Bible does talk a lot about communication, however. Computers are just new methods of communicating with each other. The Bible contains many instances of ecstatic experience, including David dancing before the LORD, during which he was undoubtedly in the same alpha brain wave state that we call hypnosis. When our ancestors danced around campfires to the beat of sticks on stretched animal skins, they were creating an alpha, and perhaps theta, brain state that we now call hypnosis. Hypnosis was named by Dr. James Braid (2010) in his 1843 book on neurypnology. Hypnosis is a God-given ability to access the power of our minds to make positive changes in our lives for health and wellness. I have great success helping people lower their blood pressure (by as much as 30 points for both systolic and diastolic measures) and decrease pain by about 50% after one session. Results may vary, but this is common. In the Bible, the word often used for sorcery is pharmakia, where is where we get our word, pharmacy. I would argue that using the brain that God gave us to bring about positive changes in our lives is the way God intended us to live, while pharmaceutical drugs are a step toward intoxication anosognosia, also known as medication spellbinding (Breggin, 2006). As a disclaimer, I am not opposed to the proper use of pharmaceutical drugs and encourage those taking them to educate themselves about the effects of their medications and to work closely with their prescribing physicians in medication management. In short, hypnosis is a God-given tool which can be used to help us live the fullest life possible in Jesus Christ.
Braid, J. (2010). Neurypnology or the rationale of nervous sleep: Considered in relation with animal magnetism (1843). Kessinger. Originally published in 1843.
Breggin, P. R. (2006). Intoxication anosognosia: The spellbinding effects of psychiatric drugs. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry: New York, 8(3). 201-215,279.
Q: Where are you located?
A. We have a virtual office, online, available 24/7/365 anywhere in the world for established clients.
Q: Do sessions over the telephone or online really work?
A: Yes! In fact, most of my business is online. Hypnosis is a subjective experience and you will get out of it exactly what you put into it, either in person or from a remote location. I have worked with multiple clients all over the country and the world via Skype and telephone and they have all reported outstanding results with issues ranging from pain to anxiety to weight management.
Q: How many sessions will it take?
A: The number of sessions will vary according to any number of factors, primarily client resistance. Although most clients receive immediate relief, we recommend four sessions to become comfortable with the process and learn self-hypnosis.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Individual sessions are generally around $200 per session. Concierge rates will vary. We do offer group rates, so if you'd like to get together with some friends, we encourage you to do it! Behavioral change often works best when using a buddy system.
Q: What are Concierge Hypnosis Services?
A: Concierge Hypnosis Services bring the hypnosis to you, at home, on vacation, or anywhere in the world via online services.
Q: Will it work for what ails me?
A: At the Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the most up-to-date, evidence based practices in the field of hypnosis. We review the research literature for evidence of what works and bring that knowledge to the work we do with our clients. One of the best places to find if previous research has been done on your problem is to Google hypnosis and your specific issue (e.g., hypnosis tinnitus). You will probably be surprised that hypnosis has been used to work with your issue. If you can't find anything, that's okay. Give us a call and we'll be happy to schedule a free initial assessment to discuss your issue and how hypnosis can help.
Q: How long have you been in business?
A: The Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness (formerly Knoxville Center for Clinical Hypnosis) has been in business since 2009. We have hypnotized hundreds of clients during that time. We are also very active in presenting and publishing on the subject of hypnosis. Dr. Mottern has been a practicing therapist since 2000.
Q: There are other people out there who have been doing this longer than you. What makes you different?
A: 1)Experience. While there are those who have been doing hypnosis for longer, that doesn't mean they have as much experience. Experience is based on the number of clients with which one has worked. We've used hypnosis with hundreds of clients, giving us quite a bit of experience. 2) Continued Education & Training. Our professional licensure requires a number of Continuing Education Units each year to remain an active member of professional organizations. Not only does this provide us with professional networking, it keeps us up-to-date on advances and trends within the professional hypnosis community. 3)Reality Therapy Certified. One of the major things that differentiates out practice form others (even those with more experience) is that we are Reality Therapy Certified and use that in all of our hypnosis work.
Q: What is your success rate?
A: Hypnosis helps bring about behavioral change, but we can't make anyone do anything they do not choose to do. While the suggestions to help you are there in your subconscious mind when you leave the hypnosis session, you can always choose to override them and do something different. This is called incipiency of the will, or, free will. In spite of the fact that clients are always in control of their Total Behavior and have voluntarily come to receive hypnosis, many will consciously resist suggestions for improvement. It has been my experience that this resistance usually creates bad results for the clients choosing that behavior. In fact, these clients usually go 180 degrees in the direction opposite from that which was suggested. This is another reason why we recommend four sessions - to help clients work through any resistance they have.
Mens sana in corpore sano - A sound mind in a sound body
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