A WebMD Feature, Hypnosis: Focusing the Subconscious on Change (Davis, 2014), stated, "Hypnosis has helped people cut back on pain, anxiety, and depression medications, resolve intestinal problems, quit smoking, even have less stressful childbirth." Check out the article online for more information: http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/self-hypnosis?page=2
A recent report in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology (Patterson, et al., 2014) related episodes of higher stress to allergy flare-ups. Stress seems to exacerbate allergies, causing more episodes of allergic reaction and more intense reactions. It is thought that a immune response is triggered by higher stress levels over time.
"Stress can cause several negative effects on the body, including causing more symptoms for allergy sufferers," says Dr. Patterson. "Our study also found those with more frequent allergy flares also have a greater negative mood, which may be leading to these flares."
Hypnosis is a wonderful way to reduce stress and help minimize those pesky allergies. Call us today!
An article in Prevention (Ecklekamp, 2013) states that Baylor University's Mind-Body Medicine Research Laboratory has used self-hypnosis to help women with hot flashes. According to the article, "After 12 weeks, the women, on average, reported about 75% fewer hot flashes" (p.13). Call us today and let us help you experience relief from hot flashes!
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